Dienstag, 3. April 2007

Masters of Horror-Takashi Miike

My absolutely favourite genre is horror. I have watched probably all of the "classics" and I try to keep up with the new films. Last year I have discovered the Japanese director Takashi Miike, a master of torture and violence. His internationally successful film Itchy the Killer is brutal and although I can watch all kinds of surgeries a feeling of sickness came over me.

Masters of horror
For the first time the foremost names (writers and directors) in the horror film genre have joined forces for the series consisting of 13 one-hour films each season. Also Takashi Miike had his American debut with Imprint.
Plot: Set in the mid 1800s, Christopher is a young American journalist who ventures to Japan to search for the Japanese prostitute he loved and abandoned years earlier. But when he ventures to an island off the coast, he sees that human demons and whores rule the land where a deformed courtesan awaits his arrival leading to a tale of extreme cruelty and perverse vengeance.

I thought it was very interesting because of the film being English speaking although only one actor was American. Watching it without subtitles was difficult at some point due to the strange accent. But in real life it is like this; you will rarely hear or translate from perfect English. Have fun!

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